The Lord's Theme For The Year

The Lord has crowned the year (2011) with His goodness and caused us to walk in His paths that drips with His fatness (Psalm 65:11)

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

I CAN do all things through Christ...

You know I went back and search the web again this morning and found more videos of TeamHoyt and after watching some more heartwarming shows, I was reminded of what the Apostle Paul wrote in Philippians 4:13 - I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me (NKJV).

I asked myself what is the best gift that Dick Hoyt gave his son Rick and the answer came back to me -"Love". Do you know that Dick was not an athletic person even though he was a lietenant colonel in the US Army but for the sake of his son Rick, he undertook a total of 25 Boston Marathons and recently he even completed the Ironmen competition; all because he wanted to see the joy on Rick's face.

Where did Dick get his strength? from the Lord Jesus Himself. Knowing that He had died and completed everything for him and it is now all his to benefit, Dick took the step and, like they say, the rest is history. Today, I want to hand my challenges to my Lord and Daddy God and receive from Him everything that I need and to enjoy His blessings over my life.

1 comment:

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A New Believer's Prayer

Thank you Father for loving us so much that You sent Your precious Son Jesus Christ to this world to die for all our sins. I receive Jesus into my heart as my Lord and Savior.
Thank you that all my sins have been nailed to the Cross on Jesus at His death and because He died in our place, I am now saved forever. I have been made righteous in Your sight because of what Jesus did and I can now enjoy Your blessings over my life. Thank you for the privilege of being called Your Child and for the Gift of Your Holy Spirit in my life. AMEN