The Lord's Theme For The Year

The Lord has crowned the year (2011) with His goodness and caused us to walk in His paths that drips with His fatness (Psalm 65:11)

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Phenomena in the Cosmos

Every time I hear of unusual phenomenon taking place in the cosmos, I am constantly drawn to the fact that these are yet another sign from God to tell us that the Lord's Return will be round the corner.

Recently, an article was posted on this website and he talked about the blood moon and sun eclipses coming right up in the two years of 2014 and 2015. And here we are not talking about just one such occurrence but possibly four in total. Now that is a very odd phenomenon.

Immediately I am drawn to the word of our Lord in Matthew 24:29, "Immediately after the distress of those days, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken." Jesus was asked by His disciples when the End of time will be and He responded with the above verse which very much sums up what NASA scientists have predicted based on their mathematical calculations.

So what does all these mean? Well, for one thing, the End of the World will come to pass when the Lord comes back to Earth and rule and there will be a new Jerusalem and a new Earth. Now will this really be the End? Nobody knows for sure but certainly I am not a fool to pass this up and ignore. I will certainly want to put this in order and enjoy the Lord's Presence in my life. I don;t know about you but I believe that the Lord will certainly come back for His own - His Bride, the Church - very shortly and then the Tribulation will start and from then on, you can rest assured the End will be here for there will not be any more Christians around for a start and then there will be an official countdown of 7 years and then the End will really fall upon everyone and those who do not know Jesus as their own personal Lord and Savior will regret as they will have to face the Judge and explain why they rejected His Sacrifice for them.

My question to you my readers is this - are you ready for the Lord when He returns?

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A New Believer's Prayer

Thank you Father for loving us so much that You sent Your precious Son Jesus Christ to this world to die for all our sins. I receive Jesus into my heart as my Lord and Savior.
Thank you that all my sins have been nailed to the Cross on Jesus at His death and because He died in our place, I am now saved forever. I have been made righteous in Your sight because of what Jesus did and I can now enjoy Your blessings over my life. Thank you for the privilege of being called Your Child and for the Gift of Your Holy Spirit in my life. AMEN